Module medcam.evaluation.evaluator
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from medcam.evaluation import evaluation_utils
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class Evaluator():
def __init__(self, save_path, metric="wioa", threshold='otsu', layer_ordering=None):
Evaluator class that evaluates attention maps with the corresponding ground truth masks.
save_path: The save path for the results.
metric: The metric to use.
'wioa': Weighted intersection over attention. How much of weighted total attention is inside the ground truth mask.
'ioa': Intersection over attention. How much of total attention is inside the ground truth mask.
'iou': Intersection over union.
(A function): A metric function that takes the arguments attention map and ground truth mask.
threshold: A threshold used during evaluation for ignoring low attention. Most models have low amounts of attention everywhere in an attention map due to the nature of CNN-based models. The threshold can be used to ignore these low amounts if wanted.
'otsu': Uses the otsu algorithm to determine a threshold.
(float): A value between 0 and 1 that is used as threshold.
layer_ordering: A list of layer names that is used for ordering the mean scores.
self.scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=['evaluation', 'layer', 'class_label', 'name'])
self.save_path = save_path
self.metric = metric
self.threshold = threshold
self.layer_ordering = layer_ordering
def comp_score(self, attention_map, mask, layer=None, class_label=None, name=None):
Evaluates an attention maps with the corresponding ground truth mask.
attention_map: The attention map.
mask: The ground truth mask.
layer: The layer name.
class_label: The class label.
name: A name for better identification (e.g. the filename of the ground truth mask)
Returns: The evaluation score
score = evaluation_utils.comp_score(attention_map, mask, self.metric, self.threshold)
self._add(score, layer, class_label, name)
return score
def _add(self, score, layer=None, class_label=None, name=None):
"""Adds a score to the score dataframe."""
self.scores = self.scores.append({'evaluation': score, 'layer': layer, 'class_label': class_label, 'name': name}, ignore_index=True)
def dump(self, mean_only=False, layer=None, class_label=None):
Saves the scores and mean scores as an excel table.
mean_only: Save only the mean scores.
layer: Filter by a single layer.
class_label: Filter by a single class label.
scores = self.scores
if layer is not None:
scores = scores[scores['layer']==layer]
if class_label is not None:
scores = scores[scores['class_label'] == class_label]
mean_scores = self._comp_means(scores)
with pd.ExcelWriter(self.save_path + 'scores.xlsx') as writer:
if not mean_only:
scores.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Scores', na_rep='NaN')
mean_scores.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Mean Scores', na_rep='NaN')
def _comp_means(self, scores):
"""Computes the mean scores."""
mean_scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=['mean_score', 'layer', 'class_label'])
mean_score_list = []
unique_layers = pd.unique(scores['layer'])
if self.layer_ordering is not None and unique_layers[0] != "":
unique_layers = sorted(set(self.layer_ordering).intersection(unique_layers), key=lambda x: self.layer_ordering.index(x))
for unique_layer in unique_layers:
_scores = scores[scores['layer'] == unique_layer]
unique_class_labels = pd.unique(_scores['class_label'])
for unique_class_label in unique_class_labels:
__scores = _scores[_scores['class_label'] == unique_class_label]
mean_score = __scores['evaluation'].to_numpy().astype(np.float)
mean_score = mean_score[~np.isnan(mean_score)]
mean_score = np.mean(mean_score)
mean_scores = mean_scores.append({'mean_score': mean_score, 'layer': unique_layer, 'class_label': unique_class_label}, ignore_index=True)
self._plot_mean_scores(unique_layers, mean_score_list)
return mean_scores
def _plot_mean_scores(self, layers, mean_scores):
"""Plots the mean scores as a nice graph."""
layers, mean_scores = self._reduce(layers, mean_scores)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
plt.plot(range(len(layers)), mean_scores)
x_ticks = np.arange(len(layers))
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right')
fig.savefig(self.save_path + 'mean_scores.png', dpi=300)
def _reduce(self, layers, mean_scores):
"""Reduces the number of total layers by removing sub layers. Except for the very first and last layer."""
saved = [[layers[0], mean_scores[0]], [layers[len(layers)-1], mean_scores[len(layers)-1]]]
i = 0
while i < len(layers):
j = 0
while i < len(layers) and j < len(layers):
if layers[i] in layers[j] and i != j:
del layers[j]
del mean_scores[j]
if j < i:
i -= 1
j += 1
i += 1
layers.insert(0, saved[0][0])
mean_scores.insert(0, saved[0][1])
return layers, mean_scores
class Evaluator (save_path, metric='wioa', threshold='otsu', layer_ordering=None)
Evaluator class that evaluates attention maps with the corresponding ground truth masks.
- The save path for the results.
- The metric to use.
'wioa': Weighted intersection over attention. How much of weighted total attention is inside the ground truth mask. 'ioa': Intersection over attention. How much of total attention is inside the ground truth mask. 'iou': Intersection over union. (A function): A metric function that takes the arguments attention map and ground truth mask.
- A threshold used during evaluation for ignoring low attention. Most models have low amounts of attention everywhere in an attention map due to the nature of CNN-based models. The threshold can be used to ignore these low amounts if wanted.
'otsu': Uses the otsu algorithm to determine a threshold. (float): A value between 0 and 1 that is used as threshold.
- A list of layer names that is used for ordering the mean scores.
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class Evaluator(): def __init__(self, save_path, metric="wioa", threshold='otsu', layer_ordering=None): """ Evaluator class that evaluates attention maps with the corresponding ground truth masks. Args: save_path: The save path for the results. metric: The metric to use. 'wioa': Weighted intersection over attention. How much of weighted total attention is inside the ground truth mask. 'ioa': Intersection over attention. How much of total attention is inside the ground truth mask. 'iou': Intersection over union. (A function): A metric function that takes the arguments attention map and ground truth mask. threshold: A threshold used during evaluation for ignoring low attention. Most models have low amounts of attention everywhere in an attention map due to the nature of CNN-based models. The threshold can be used to ignore these low amounts if wanted. 'otsu': Uses the otsu algorithm to determine a threshold. (float): A value between 0 and 1 that is used as threshold. layer_ordering: A list of layer names that is used for ordering the mean scores. """ self.scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=['evaluation', 'layer', 'class_label', 'name']) self.save_path = save_path self.metric = metric self.threshold = threshold self.layer_ordering = layer_ordering def comp_score(self, attention_map, mask, layer=None, class_label=None, name=None): """ Evaluates an attention maps with the corresponding ground truth mask. Args: attention_map: The attention map. mask: The ground truth mask. layer: The layer name. class_label: The class label. name: A name for better identification (e.g. the filename of the ground truth mask) Returns: The evaluation score """ score = evaluation_utils.comp_score(attention_map, mask, self.metric, self.threshold) self._add(score, layer, class_label, name) return score def _add(self, score, layer=None, class_label=None, name=None): """Adds a score to the score dataframe.""" self.scores = self.scores.append({'evaluation': score, 'layer': layer, 'class_label': class_label, 'name': name}, ignore_index=True) def dump(self, mean_only=False, layer=None, class_label=None): """ Saves the scores and mean scores as an excel table. Args: mean_only: Save only the mean scores. layer: Filter by a single layer. class_label: Filter by a single class label. """ scores = self.scores if layer is not None: scores = scores[scores['layer']==layer] if class_label is not None: scores = scores[scores['class_label'] == class_label] mean_scores = self._comp_means(scores) with pd.ExcelWriter(self.save_path + 'scores.xlsx') as writer: if not mean_only: scores.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Scores', na_rep='NaN') mean_scores.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Mean Scores', na_rep='NaN') def _comp_means(self, scores): """Computes the mean scores.""" mean_scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=['mean_score', 'layer', 'class_label']) mean_score_list = [] unique_layers = pd.unique(scores['layer']) if self.layer_ordering is not None and unique_layers[0] != "": unique_layers = sorted(set(self.layer_ordering).intersection(unique_layers), key=lambda x: self.layer_ordering.index(x)) for unique_layer in unique_layers: _scores = scores[scores['layer'] == unique_layer] unique_class_labels = pd.unique(_scores['class_label']) for unique_class_label in unique_class_labels: __scores = _scores[_scores['class_label'] == unique_class_label] mean_score = __scores['evaluation'].to_numpy().astype(np.float) mean_score = mean_score[~np.isnan(mean_score)] mean_score = np.mean(mean_score) mean_score_list.append(mean_score) mean_scores = mean_scores.append({'mean_score': mean_score, 'layer': unique_layer, 'class_label': unique_class_label}, ignore_index=True) self._plot_mean_scores(unique_layers, mean_score_list) return mean_scores def _plot_mean_scores(self, layers, mean_scores): """Plots the mean scores as a nice graph.""" layers, mean_scores = self._reduce(layers, mean_scores) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) plt.plot(range(len(layers)), mean_scores) x_ticks = np.arange(len(layers)) ax.set_xticks(x_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(layers) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right') fig.savefig(self.save_path + 'mean_scores.png', dpi=300) fig.clf() def _reduce(self, layers, mean_scores): """Reduces the number of total layers by removing sub layers. Except for the very first and last layer.""" saved = [[layers[0], mean_scores[0]], [layers[len(layers)-1], mean_scores[len(layers)-1]]] i = 0 while i < len(layers): j = 0 while i < len(layers) and j < len(layers): if layers[i] in layers[j] and i != j: del layers[j] del mean_scores[j] if j < i: i -= 1 else: j += 1 i += 1 layers.insert(0, saved[0][0]) mean_scores.insert(0, saved[0][1]) layers.append(saved[1][0]) mean_scores.append(saved[1][1]) return layers, mean_scores
def comp_score(self, attention_map, mask, layer=None, class_label=None, name=None)
Evaluates an attention maps with the corresponding ground truth mask.
- The attention map.
- The ground truth mask.
- The layer name.
- The class label.
- A name for better identification (e.g. the filename of the ground truth mask)
:The evaluation score
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def comp_score(self, attention_map, mask, layer=None, class_label=None, name=None): """ Evaluates an attention maps with the corresponding ground truth mask. Args: attention_map: The attention map. mask: The ground truth mask. layer: The layer name. class_label: The class label. name: A name for better identification (e.g. the filename of the ground truth mask) Returns: The evaluation score """ score = evaluation_utils.comp_score(attention_map, mask, self.metric, self.threshold) self._add(score, layer, class_label, name) return score
def dump(self, mean_only=False, layer=None, class_label=None)
Saves the scores and mean scores as an excel table.
- Save only the mean scores.
- Filter by a single layer.
- Filter by a single class label.
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def dump(self, mean_only=False, layer=None, class_label=None): """ Saves the scores and mean scores as an excel table. Args: mean_only: Save only the mean scores. layer: Filter by a single layer. class_label: Filter by a single class label. """ scores = self.scores if layer is not None: scores = scores[scores['layer']==layer] if class_label is not None: scores = scores[scores['class_label'] == class_label] mean_scores = self._comp_means(scores) with pd.ExcelWriter(self.save_path + 'scores.xlsx') as writer: if not mean_only: scores.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Scores', na_rep='NaN') mean_scores.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Mean Scores', na_rep='NaN')